The Board presented a Financial Statement and an update on completed course and building projects over the last couple of years. This included:
Board members for 2025 are as follows:
Welcome to our new Board members, Brody Sidoryk & Mark Williams! Thank you to Harley Slon and Troy Luhowy, outgoing members, for their work on the Board over many years.
The Superintendent’s contract with Dwain Zegalski was renewed for 2025, 2026 & 2027.
The Board has signed a Management Agreement with Taralee Chuchmuch for the 2025 & 2026 seasons.
The Board signed a 3-year agreement with L & M Services Ltd for Sewage Hauling. The contract is for May 2024 – October 2026.
A 2-year Campground Management Agreement was signed with the Municipality for 2024 & 2025.
The tournament dates and Jack & Jill nights for 2025 were confirmed, which can be found on our Events page.
The outbuilding crew arrived on October 1st, and finished construction on October 8th! This building will be the heart of the maintenance activities for years to come. Now, we move onto the next stages of concrete floor, electrical work, plumbing, and office/storage room. Lots to do but we love seeing the fantastic progress!
After 38 years in this dark dungeon, the Rossman Lake Golf & Country Club Board is excited to share that Dwain is getting a NEW SHOP!!!! The Board is investing in a new 32’ x 48’ x 10’ maintenance shop, with construction set to begin later this year.
The Board will be designating funds from our tournaments and other events this season to make this happen. Please help us make this a reality for Dwain by supporting our fundraising efforts!!
The original garage was built in 1980 by volunteers for the Golf Course. In 1985, a lean-to on the west side was added for member carts but that was only until the staff needed more space in the building. The lean-to was closed in, and staff gained 8’ x 25’. In 1999, under the expertise of club member Murray Kalyniuk, a 12’ x 25’ addition was added to the east side. This gave staff more space and an office!
For the last several years, the Golf Course has taken the Campground Contract and is now responsible for the maintenance and care of the Campground. Bigger equipment and more tools were required, and this takes up more space. Dwain and his staff have outgrown the building now.
The new Maintenance Shop will provide much needed space for equipment and tool storage, a bigger working area, office space and a bathroom.
The Board is really excited about this project but probably not as excited as Dwain is!!!!!!! We will continue to share progress and updates through both the website and on social media- stay tuned!
Kora Tibbatts, Hole #2: June 2, 2024
We are excited to share another new addition to Rossman Lake Golf and Country Club- a new shed that is going to be used to store our new tables and chairs! Without the generous support of our community this would not be possible! We would like to thank the following people:
- Bobby Kostesky and Sherri Kreshewski for donating the shed
- Board Members, Golf Course Members and Non-Members who helped construct the shed and floor
- Men’s Night for their donation to cover the cost of the new tables
There are 10 tables and 112 chairs that will be stored in the new shed, which will be set up on the north side of the patio for easy access for set up in the tent or on the course.
Once again a big thank you to all involved!! What a fantastic community we live in!
Box 39, Rossburn MB R0J 1V0